
This Might Have Meant Fire by C.T. Salazar (Inch #39)


by C.T. Salazar

Inch #39, Summer 2019
28 pages, saddle-stapled
ISSN: 1932-6149

release date: June 2019


C.T. Salazar

C.T. Salazar is a Latinx poet and librarian from Mississippi. His debut collection, Headless John the Baptist Hitchhiking is now available from Acre Books. He’s the author of three chapbooks, most recently American Cavewall Sonnets (Bull City Press, 2021). He’s the 2020 recipient of the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters award in poetry. His poems have appeared in The Rumpus, Beloit Poetry Journal, Cincinnati Review, 32 Poems, Inch, RHINO, and elsewhere.


Additional information

Weight .1 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × 4.25 × .2 in


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