
Bookstore & Library Information

We love readers, and we love the people who help connect readers to books they’ll adore. To that end, we’ve made ordering Bull City Press titles about as easy as it gets with a small press.  But if you’ve still got questions, you can always contact our team at sales <<at>> bullcitypress [dot] com or call (919) 883-5585 for more information.


Hello, librarian, we’re delighted to help you add Bull City Press titles to your collection!  We offer a 15% discount for libraries adding four or more titles to the collection in a single order.   Libraries ordering three or more copies of Inch on standing order also receive a 25% discount on the list price.  Contact us at sales <<at>> bullcitypress [dot] com to set up your standing order or receive your discount code. You can also order our newest titles from Independent Publishers Group, where eBooks of some titles are also available: visit https://www.ipgbook.com/libraries-pages-1646.php for more information.


Chapbooks and Books

We are currently distributed through Independent Publishers Group: https://www.ipgbook.com/booksellers-pages-1626.php


Though issues do not have an ISBN or barcode number, bookstores routinely carry Inch.  We offer a 55% discount on the list price for orders of four copies or more.


To utilize returns, you must order from Independent Publishers Group. We do not accept returns on any items ordered directly from Bull City Press.

Bull City Press

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