We started in a basement with a budget of $300. We love helping others who have shoestring budgets make the books, journals, podcasts, and literary ephemera that they’ve been dreaming of. Bull City Press provides website and ecommerce hosting, a podcast platform, operational support, and/or technical assistance to a variety of projects at no cost until they’re ready to fly on their own. These projects are editorially independent of Bull City Press. Have you got a literary project that you’ve been dreaming of? Reach out. If we have capacity to help, we will.
Current Projects

Thirdhand Books promotes experimental writing with core commitments to the lyric, which is equipment for exploring the nature of human experience at the limits of language. They’re interested in hard-to-classify hybrid work that challenges poetic conventions for representing selfhood, especially from emerging and marginalized writers. Editors: Kylan Rice & Lindsey Webb.
Services we provide: Thirdhand Books currently functions an imprint of Bull City Press. We provide web hosting, distribution, operations support, drop shipping, technical assistance, and financial support.

Good news is sometimes hard to come by for poets, and what’s better news than a new book! Celebrate with us as Jason Gray hosts Drunk as a Poet on Payday, an interview podcast with poets discussing their new books. Each episode is a smart, fun look into the world of poetry, where the guests read several poems for their new work, and talk about how their books came to be, and how they write the way they do.
Services we provide: podcast hosting.

Necksnap primarily focuses on literary horror, with a preference toward Southern Gothic, occult/religious themes, body horror, and stylistic experimentation. Submissions can range from grunge to Gothic, but in every case, they seek stories that push toward the stylistic edges of the genre, and that do so in service of exploring the deeper humanity of the characters. Edited by John Hanley.
Services we provide: website hosting.

Always Crashing is a magazine of fiction, poetry, and nameless things around and in-between. They publish one print issue per year and feature online content year-round. They are headquartered in Chicago and Pittsburgh. We didn’t get them started– they were already well-established when we met them– but we provide support as they grow an already-great mag.
Services we provide: submissions manager hosting.
Past Projects

Poets, writers, dreamers, and fools, unite! Tune in to Like Writing a Bike as your host, Alex Gast, talks with some of his literary heroes about their craft processes and drop countless nuggets of poetic wisdom.
Services we provided: podcast hosting.

Nine Syllables Press is a chapbook press created in partnership with the Boutelle-Day Poetry Center at Smith College. They seek to address ongoing inequity in the publishing world by providing a new platform for systematically excluded voices, including but not limited to women, BIPOC poets, and trans/LGBTQIA++ poets. 9SP honors and continues the long tradition of poets and poetry at Smith, including Sylvia Plath ‘55 while extending that community to the other Seven Sisters colleges and beyond.
Services we provided: consulting. Our experience working with 9SP led us to start the Incubator program!