
Solving for X by Pam Durban (Inch #62)


by Pam Durban

Inch #62, Winter 2024
17 pages, saddle-stapled
ISSN: 1932-6149

release date: December 31, 2024


From its genesis in a box of staples containing 5,000 staples and the thought, “My God, how can I ever use 5,000 staples in the time left to me on this earth?”, Pam Durban’s Solving for X gathers flashes of color in a moment where the world is darkening. In flash essays that are new and startling for this writer of fiction, Durban fully leverages the form’s ability to evoke brief encounters with mortality, love, and time. A door opens, a light shines, something speaks, and you listen.

Pam Durban

Pam Durban is the author of two collections of short stories, Soon and All Set About with Fever Trees, and three novels, The Laughing Place, So Far Back, and The Tree of Forgetfulness. Her stories and essays has been published in many magazines and anthologies, including The Best American Short Stories of the Century, edited by John Updike, The Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses, and The Best of Brevity. She taught at the University of North Carolina and lives in Chapel Hill, NC.


Additional information

Weight .1 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × 4.25 × .2 in


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