
John LaPine

John LaPine has an MA in Creative Writing & Pedagogy from Northern Michigan University (NMU), and volunteered as Associate Editor of creative nonfiction & poetry at Passages North, NMU’s literary journal, for three years. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in: Foliate Oak Literary Journal, Rhythm & Bones, The Rising Phoenix Review, yell/shout/scream, Hot Metal Bridge, Glint Literary Journal, Apofenie, The /Temz/ Review, Petrichor: A Journal of Text & Image, Glass: A Journal of Poetry‘s “Poets Resist” series, Under the Gum Tree, & Midwestern Gothic. He is a “Best of the Net” nominee for 2018, editor of the upcoming podcast Queer Americans, and currently teaches English at Butte College. https://johnlapine.wordpress.com // @JohnLaPine on Twitter.

Books: An Unstable Container, coming 2019-2020

Bull City Press

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