Alina Stefanescu was born in Romania and lives in Birmingham, Alabama with her partner and three intense mammals. A finalist for the 2019 Kurt Brown AWP Prize, the 2019 Greg Grummer Poetry Prize, the 2019 Frank McCourt Prize, Alina won the 2019 River Heron Poetry Prize. Her first poetry chapbook, Objects in Vases (Anchor & Plume Press 2016), won the 2016 Award for Poetry Book of the Year from ASPS. Her debut fiction collection, Every Mask I Tried On, won the Brighthorse Prize and was published in May 2018. She serves as Poetry Editor for Pidgeonholes & Randon Sample Review, Book Reviewer for Up the Staircase Quarterly, Board Member for the Alabama Writer’s Cooperative, Co-Director of PEN America’s Birmingham Chapter, and proud board member of Magic City Poetry Festival. www.alinastefanescuwriter.com
Chapbooks: Ribald, released as Inch #44