Executive Director

Ross White is the author of Charm Offensive, winner of the Sexton Prize, and three chapbooks: How We Came Upon the Colony, The Polite Society, and Valley of Want. With Matthew Olzmann, he edited Another & Another: An Anthology from the Grind Daily Writing Series. His poems have appeared in American Poetry Review, Ploughshares, Poetry Daily, New England Review, The Southern Review, and others. He is a recipient of scholarships from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference and Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference in Sicily, and currently teaches poetry writing and grammar at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Follow him on Twitter: @rosswhite. He joined Bull City Press in September 2006. (photo by Migonette Dooley)
Associate Director
Noah Stetzer is the author of Because I Can See Needing a Knife (Red Bird Chapbooks, 2016). Noah’s poems have appeared in various journals including Sixth Finch, Waxwing, The Cortland Review, Hobart, and New England Review. He is a 2014 fellow from the Lambda Literary Retreat and a returning work-study scholar at the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Noah now lives in Sayville, NY(Long Island) and can be found online at www.noahstetzer.com. Follow him on Twitter: @dcnoah. He joined Bull City Press in August 2015 and became Associate Director in August 2018.
Editor, Inch

Yamini Pathak is the author of poetry chapbooks, Atlas of Lost Places (Milk and Cake Press) and Breath Fire Water Song (Ghost City Press). Her poems have appeared in West Branch, Poetry Northwest, Waxwing, Tupelo Quarterly and elsewhere. She has an MFA in Poetry from Antioch University, LA and has received support from VONA/Voices, Community of Writers, Tin House, and Kenyon Review Writers Workshop. A recipient of an Individual Artist Fellowship by the NJ State Council on Arts, her work has been nominated for Best New Poets and has been a finalist for Frontier Poetry’s Global Poetry Prize (South Asia). Yamini’s first full-length poetry collection is forthcoming in October 2025. She joined Bull City Press in April 2020.
Associate Editors

Maria Isabelle Carlos’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Tin House, Pleiades, Sycamore Review, and elsewhere, and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Best New Poets, and Best of the Net. She received her B.A. in English at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and is currently an M.F.A. candidate in poetry at Vanderbilt University, where she served as editor-in-chief of Nashville Review. She joined Bull City Press in April 2020.

Jennifer Champagne (she/her) is an MFA candidate in fiction at the University of North Carolina – Greensboro. She holds degrees from Mercer University and Wake Forest University, where she was also the Graduate Fellow for Fiction Collective 2. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Susurrus, A Literary Arts Magazine of the American South and her writing has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Follow her on Twitter @chellechampagne. She joined Bull City Press in May 2024.

Rebecca Hazelton is the author of Gloss (University of Wisconsin Press, 2019), Fair Copy (Ohio State University Press, 2012), winner of the 2011 Ohio State University Press / The Journal Award in Poetry, and Vow (Cleveland State University Press, 2013). She was the 2010-11 Jay C. and Ruth Halls Poetry Fellow at the University of Wisconsin, Madison Creative Writing Institute and winner of the “Discovery” / Boston Review 2012 Poetry Contest. Her poems have appeared in AGNI, The Southern Review, Boston Review, Best New Poets 2011, and Best American Poetry 2013. She joined Bull City Press in September 2012.

Sam Martone lives and writes in New York City. He’s previously served as Editor of Origami Zoo Press and Hayen’s Ferry Review. His fiction has been published or is forthcoming in The Pinch, Passages North, Little Fiction, and Territory. His RPG player’s guide chapbook, An Object You Cannot Lose, is available to read online at Cartridge Lit. He joined Bull City Press in June 2017.

Matthew Olzmann is the author of Mezzanines (Alice James Books, 2013), winner of the 2011 Kundiman Poetry Prize, Contradictions in the Design (Alice James Books, 2016), and Constellation Route (Alice James Books, 2022). His poems have appeared in Kenyon Review, New England Review, Gulf Coast, Rattle and elsewhere. He’s received fellowships from Kundiman and the Kresge Arts Foundation, and the Bread Loaf Writers Conference, and has served as a writer-in-residence for the InsideOut Literary Arts Project. He is the co-editor of The Collagist, and with Ross White, edited Another & Another: An Anthology from the Grind Daily Writing Series. He joined Bull City Press in November 2015.

Marielle Prince has served as managing editor of Bull City Press (2007–2011), poetry editor of Meridian (2011–2012), count intern for VIDA (2014–2015), and poetry editor of The Collagist / The Rupture (2016–2022). Her poetry has appeared in Carolina Quarterly, Tinderbox, Rhino, Crab Orchard Review, Ninth Letter, and elsewhere. She received her MFA from the University of Virginia, and her first book manuscript has been a multiple-times finalist and semi-finalist, including finalist for the National Poetry Series. She joined Bull City Press in June 2007.
Rebecca Hazelton and Ross White at AWP 2014.

Cassie Mannes Murray is a literary agent at Howland Literary, owns and directs her own book publicity company, Pine State Publicity, and has the privilege of doing publicity at Bull City Press and Mindbuck Media as well. Before she weaseled her way into publishing, she produced a robust blog called Books & Bowel Movements, and taught in the public school system. For writing, she has an MFA in creative nonfiction from UNCW, has received a notable in Best American Essays 2020, and Pushcart Prize nominations. Her work has been featured in The Rumpus, Story Quarterly, Passages North, Hobart, Joyland, Slice Magazine, and Fugue. She lives in North Carolina with her partner, dog, cats, and street chickens. She joined Bull City Press in October 2021.
Staff, Inch

John Shakespear (Fiction/Nonfiction Editor) is a writer, editor, and musician from Massachusetts. He received an MFA in Creative Writing from Vanderbilt University, where he was a 2019-20 creative writing fellow at the Curb Center for Arts, Enterprise, and Public Policy and co-editor-in-chief of Nashville Review. His writing has appeared in Cincinnati Review and Boston Review, and his music has been featured on NPR, PopMatters, and American Songwriter. He bears no known relation to William Shakespeare. He joined Bull City Press in April 2020.

Amanda Moore (Poetry Editor)’s poetry has appeared in journals and anthologies including ZZYZVA, Cream City Review, and Best New Poets, and her essays have appeared in The Baltimore Review, Hippocampus Magazine, and on the University of Arizona Poetry Center’s blog. Contributing Poetry Editor at Women’s Voices for Change, Amanda also serves as a Board member for the Marin Poetry Center and is a 2019-2020 Brown Handler Resident. She is a high school English teacher and lives by the beach in the Outer Sunset neighborhood of San Francisco with her husband and daughter. More at http://amandapmoore.com She joined Bull City Press in April 2020.

Zinnia Bynum (Poetry Reader) is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she majored in Communications Studies with a minor in Creative Writing Poetry. She is the former poetry editor of Cellar Door and a recipient of the Phillips Travel Scholarship where she researched differences between spoken word poetry between the United States and Europe. Her work has appeared in The Offing. She is from Rutherfordton, North Carolina. She joined Bull City Press in August 2016.

Margaret Anne Kean (Poetry Reader) is the author of Cleaving the Clouds (Kelsay Books, 2023). Her poems and reviews have appeared in various journals including Whale Road Review, Amethyst Review, Eunoia Review, San Antonio Review, EcoTheo Review, Rogue Agent Journal, and Tupelo Quarterly. She is collaborating with a Portland, Oregon composer to set a tanka series, titled Grief Work. The first was performed October 2024. Kean received her BA from Scripps College and MFA from Antioch University/LA. She joined Bull City Press in February 2025.

Caitlin Thornbrugh (Fiction/Nonfiction Reader) is a writer from Kansas City. Her work has appeared in Parcel Literary Journal, The Paper Napkin, Portal del Sol, and Honest Noise, among others. Her piece, “Ahuacatl Agovago, Avocado: The Corrupt Alligator Pear” was a 2014 Notable Best American Essay. She has received support for her writing from The Vermont Studio Center, Dickinson House-Belgium, and was a 2011 Lambda Literary Fellow in creative nonfiction. She currently lives in Boston where she teaches at Northeastern University and for Writers Without Margins. Follow her on Twitter @caitlinfrances. She joined Bull City Press in April 2020.
Contributing Editors

Gabrielle Bates works at Open Books: A Poem Emporium and serves on the editorial boards of The Seattle Review, Poetry Northwest, and Broadsided Press. Her poems and poetry comics appear in Poetry, New England Review, the Missouri Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, and Guernica, among other journals, and she is the recipient of support from the Bread Loaf Writers Conference, Artist Trust, and the University of Washington, where she received her MFA. Originally from Birmingham, Alabama, she currently lives in Seattle. www.gabriellebat.es/ twitter: @GabrielleBates / instagram: @gabrielle_bates_ She joined Bull City Press in January 2018.

Matthew Poindexter‘s poetry has appeared in Another & Another: An Anthology from the Grind Daily Writing Series, Best New Poets 2009, Meridian, The Collagist, and others. He received the Suzanne Bolch Award from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to write about baseball, and he frequently writes about the Charlotte Hornets for ESPN.com. He lives in Hillsborough, NC, and served as Editor of Inch from 2015-2018. He joined Bull City Press in February 2015.
Copy Editor

Alana Dunn is celebrating a decade of copyediting Bull City Press publications. After working in higher education for many years, Alana decided to make freelance copyediting and proofreading her full-time gig and launched Regent Square Editing LLC in 2019. Alana is a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association and ACES: The Society for Editing. She joined Bull City Press in April 2009.
Alumni: Bill Ferris & Jeremy Griffin, co-founders; Brittany Cavallaro, Rebecca King Pierce, & Leslie Sainz, associate editors; Robin Black, Greg Brown, Bryan Castille, Christa Fraser, Sam Huener, Carmen Maria Machado, Julia Ridley Smith, & Stephanie Whetstone, Inch staff; Meagan Bonnell, publicity; Delaney Andrews, Kevin Dieber, Molly Hart, Nguyen Le, Clare O’Gara, Elizabeth Otylia, Niyata Kunal Patel, Blaine Purcell, & Jordan Wingate, interns